Saturday, August 16, 2008

Scarab Beetles in Cold Weather-Abstract

Science 25 June 1982:Vol. 216. no. 4553, pp. 1409 - 1410DOI: 10.1126/science.216.4553.1409

Homeothermic Response to Reduced Ambient Temperature in a Scarab Beetle K. R. MORGAN 1 and G. A. BARTHOLOMEW 1
1 Department of Biology, University of California, Los Angeles 90024


Elephant beetles (Megasoma elephas; Scarabaeidae) weighing from 10 to 35 grams, respond homeothermically when ambient temperature is reduced below about 20°C in the laboratory. This metabolic response is not associated with locomotion or any other overt activity. Warming is initiated when the body temperature reaches an apparent set point of 20° to 22°C. Unlike the case for euthermic birds and mammals, energy metabolism and body temperature in these beetles are conspicuously oscillatory, with a given cycle in oxygen consumption peaking before the corresponding cycle in body temperature.Submitted on February 5, 1982Revised on April 13, 1982

20 ° C ≈ 55 ° F

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